Starting in February and once each month thereafter, you will have the opportunity for your questions to be answered by an expert in a topic of interest to New Hampshire landlords.
Attorney Fred Mayer has graciously offered to be our first expert. Attorney Mayer is well known in the landlord community as one of the experts in NH Landlord Tenant Laws. He has agreed to answer up to 10 questions submitted by our members regarding NH Landlord-Tenant Laws.
Our plan is to have Attorney Mayer's responses posted on this blog on March 1st. In order to meet this date, please send your questions to no later than February 13th. Now is your chance to obtain legal advice.
Future Ask the Expert columns will include experts in lead abatement, tenant screening, how to protect your assets, how to get financing during tough economic times, the current state of the rental market in NH, new laws that affect landlord in NH and much more.
If anyone has suggestions for future topics, please feel free to send us an email.
Again - email your questions to no later than February 13th in order for your question to be included in March.