Monday, September 15, 2014

October 9th - The New Hampshire Eviction Seminar

The New Hampshire Eviction Seminar 
Thursday, October 09, 2014 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM (Eastern Time)

The Yard Restaurant, Manchester, NH
1211 South Mammoth Road
Manchester, New Hampshire 03109
United States

Map and Directions

Attorney Fred K. Mayer III will be the featured speaker at this three-hour New Hampshire Landlord and Tenant law seminar.  Attorney Mayer will take you through the entire eviction process, from preparation of eviction notices and demands for rent through post-eviction issues, such as landlord storage obligations and security deposit disputes.

Cost: $149 (only $129 if you register before September 20, 2014).

October 1st - Landlord Training Workshop

Landlord Training Workshop
You and your guest are invited. 

  • Learn how you can grow your net worth and earn extra money. 
  • Help offset your retirement shortfall?

We are thrilled to open the registration process for our October 1st workshop. This workshop will be held in the Community room in Manchester NH and it is free.
This event will be covering:
  • Advertising to get the best tenant prospect
  • Screening for good tenants
  • Leasing Process
Seating is limited to the first 35 registrations
Please forward this invitation to someone you know who might be interested in learning more about being a Landlord.

Looking forward to seeing you there!
ThanksRick Blais
WHENWednesday October 1 st 7:00pm-9:00pm
WHERECommunity Room
50 Queen City Ave.
Manchester, NH 03103

Call 603-232-9195
Doors open at 6:40 so you can meet other people with your same interest. No food for this event.

Sent By:
Rick Blais, Primerica
50 Queen City Ave.
Manchester NH 03103

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Vote Sept 9th - This is our best opportunity for legislative influence

Howdee everyone,
Well this is it.  It’s time to vote & this is where we can make a strong influence on what lies ahead legislatively.
Included below:
1. Generality of party platforms
2. HB1409 Anti-Discrimination voting record
3. SB176 Lead Law voting record
4. Friendly/Unfriendly legislators
5. How to get voting records so you can be even more informed.
1. Generality of party platforms
If you’ve been involved legislatively then you know that there is a tone in the legislature that is set by simply who is elected.  It is critical that we all get out & vote now to assist in setting the basic tone of the legislature so that the elected legislature will be more receptive to our position on future legislation.
There is a generality that says democrats are less landlord/property rights/business friendly and republican are more landlord/property rights/business friendly. 
This link lists the entire House voting records for HB1409 which was a strongly anti-landlord/property rights/business bill.
You may remember the bill as the house voted on it was still an extremely negative bill for landlord/property rights/business.  Please note that 86.88% of democrats voted for the bill, 94.49% of republicans voted against the bill.  Also we only “lost” that vote by 6 votes 147 to 141.
That means if only 4 of the yeas were converted to nays the bill would have lost in the House.
We feel this is a dramatic demonstration of how important your vote is now.
2. HB1409 AntiDiscrimination voting record
Attached is an Excel file with the entire house voting record for HB1409 so you can look up the legislator running in your local election to get a better idea of whether to vote for or against them.
(FYI by the time HB1409 went through the Senate it was converted to a recommendation for a study committee and ALL 24 senators voted for it).
3. SB176 Lead Law voting record
Also in the same document is the entire voting record for 2007 SB176 which put in place the “New Lead Law” that many property owners have suffered with and a good many have lost their properties over.
4. Friendly/Unfriendly legislators
As well, included below in the body of this email, are some notes we have collected on legislators we have found to be landlord/property rights/business friendly or unfriendly and why we believe so.  We do our best to base this assessment on voting records and facts of their participation.
There are more notes I would be happy to give you individually that are based on referral by others we know to be “friendly” or “unfriendly” but for which we only have a referral or little personal experience.
5. How to get voting records so you can be even more informed.
  • In “State Legislation Dash Board” box click Voting Records.
  • In either House or Senate click the year you want then click Search.
  • In Bill No(s) select the bill number you want then click Search.
  • Click View Votes for full detail (note there could be a history of votes with different amendments).
Please make a positive difference. We need everyone to be proactive.  Do a little review of the enclosed notes, possibly a little more of your own the get out and vote!
Love & Light,
Nick Norman
Director of Legislative Affairs
Landlord/Property Rights/Business Friendly Legislators
Senator David Boutin - Worked hard to put HB1409 Anti-discrimination to study commission instead of adoption into law with out a large vetting process.

Representative Shawn Jasper - Shawn is a strong supporter of property rights. 

Representative Mark Warden - Mark is a realtor; a landlord; a member of RPOA Rental Property Owners; has sponsored pro-landlord bills; very instrumental in fighting HB1409 anti-discrimination; worked hard to oppose anti-landlord bills; helps sponsor and decide on new pro-landlord bills; has been extremely helpful in advising us in support of our legislative effort.

Representative Steve Beaudoin - Steve is a landlord; a member of RPOA Rental Property Owners; has sponsored pro-landlord bills; very instrumental in fighting HB1409 anti-discrimination; worked hard to oppose anti-landlord bills; helps sponsor and decide on new pro-landlord bills; has been extremely helpful in advising us in support of our legislative effort.

Representiative Warren Groen - Warren is a landlord; a member of RPOA Rental Property Owners; worked hard to oppose anti-landlord bills.

Representative Laura Jones - Laura has helped in our meetings to plan proposing new pro-landlord legislation and very helpful to our legislative effort in general.

Representative Susan Demers – Susan fought for 7 day storage on abandoned personal property.

Representative Mike Silva - Mike strongly opposed HB1409.

Representative Robert Rowe – Robert strongly opposed HB1409.

Landlord/Property Rights/Business UnFriendly Legislators

Representative Betsy DeVries - A few years back Betsy sponsored several bills that would have hurt the landlord business.

Representative Mary Till - During HB1409 discussions she was approachable but even after much explaining couldn't seem to understand our arguments and voted for HB1409 Anti-discrimination.

Running for US Congress – Frank Guinta - Frank Guinta as Mayor of Manchester,NH sent letter to state supporting the new lead law which dropped BLL (poisoning level) from 20 to 10ug/dl.

Running for Representative Concord area – Dan Feltes - Dan has long been one of the main voices from NHLA, the main tenant advocacy group of NH, for those of you that know think of electing Elliot Berry, it would have the same effect.  Dan was one of the authors of HB1409 Anti-discrimination.