Monday, March 30, 2015

Legislative Update - Latest Changes/ Updates and Lead Law Details

This Legislative Update is provided by Nick Norman, Director of Landlord Legislative Affairs

You can reach Nick at

Howdee everyone,
Important Updates:
Action items this week:

See more info in Summaries & Full Detail for each bill further below. (includes property owner position, contact info, Talking points, and more).
(to jump right to bill detail, use Control-F, Find).
Hearings this week:
None scheduled so far
Hearings next week:
None scheduled so far
Further below is:
Bills Updated Status summary:
Full details on all bills above
(Which includes property owner position, contact info, talking points, and more)
Love & Light,
Nick Norman
Director of Legislative Affairs
We only list the committee reports on the most important bills affecting the real estate business.  If you want to get the committee report on one of the other bills contact me & I will show you how to get them on line.  It’s not terribly hard to get but not straight ahead either.

Summary and Current Status of Updated Bills

Title: (NT) establishing a committee to study improving the efficiency of the financial approval process for housing subdivisions used by the department of justice.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: relative to the supervision of a real estate office and the duties of a facilitator under the real estate practice act.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
House Status: PASSED / ADOPTED
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: permitting landlords to remove tenants' property in certain circumstances.
Property Owner Position: For
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: relative to permits issued by building inspectors.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: relative to the governance of condominium unit owners' associations.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: relative to policies for property and casualty insurance.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
House Status: PASSED / ADOPTED
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: relative to commercial insurance.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
House Status: PASSED / ADOPTED
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: relative to the definition of the New Hampshire fire code.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: (NT) relative to the definition of "price or consideration" under the real estate transfer tax and relative to the exception for transfers by devise under such tax.
Property Owner Position: For
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: relative to lead poisoning in children.
Property Owner Position: Mostly For, Some Against, Some Neutral, Changes recommended
House Status: none
Senate Status: PASSED / ADOPTED
Title: relative to governmental records exempted under the right-to-know law.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: establishing a committee to study short-term rentals by homeowners and owners of residential properties.
Property Owner Position: Varied, some For, some Against, some Neutral
House Status: PASSED / ADOPTED
Senate Status: IN COMMITTEE
Title: exempting certain leases from the real estate transfer tax.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
House Status: none
Senate Status: PASSED / ADOPTED
Title: relative to the condominium act and the land sales full disclosure act.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
House Status: none
Full details on all bills above:
HB175, Study Committee, Remove Dept. Of Justice From Financial Approval For Residential Condominium & Housing Subdivisions
04/02/2015 at 02:00 PM    LOB 101
Title: Title: (NT) establishing a committee to study improving the efficiency of the financial approval process for housing subdivisions used by the department of justice.
Summary: The bill would establish a committee to study removing the department of justice from the financial approval process for residential condominium and housing subdivisions.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB175
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
Pursuant to RSA 21-M:9 The Dept of Justice shall administer and enforce the provisions of residential condominium and housing subdivisions.
This bill seeks to establish a committee to study the benefits of removing the DOJ from that duty.
This is the only direction that is given to the committee in the bill.
HB308, Supervision Of Real Estate Offices And Duties Of A Facilitator
04/01/2015 at 02:30 PM    SH 100
Title: Title: relative to the supervision of a real estate office and the duties of a facilitator under the real estate practice act.
Summary: Limited Impact.  Not analyzed yet to allow time on more critical bills.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB308
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
none developed so far.
HB309, Removal of Tenant's Property
Time not specified    SH 100
Title: Title: permitting landlords to remove tenants' property in certain circumstances.
Summary: The landlord shall be able to remove property (without penalty) that creates a hazard or blocks access to common areas. No notice is required.
The Landlord shall be able to remove property with notice for property such as unregistered vehicles, or anything else prohibited in the lease, provided that two notices are given at least 24 hours apart.
Property Owner Position: For
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB309
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
We need everyone to show up at the hearing in favor of this bill & call and write to legislators to support this important bill.  Stay tuned for changes.  We have met with NHLA who has proposed changes most of which we agree with,
Currently, RSA 540-A:3 III specifically prohibits a landlord directly or indirectly denying a tenant access to the tenant’s personal property other than by proper judicial process.  This would include having a tenant’s vehicle or other property towed or removed from the landlord’s property.  Without this bill, if the landlord towed a tenant’s vehicle to comply with local ordinances or to provide access for emergency vehicles or to stop tenant’s car from blocking the driveway or another tenants parking spot, etc, etc, the present statute would subject a landlord to a $1,000 fine, plus a $1,000 a day fine for each day the tenant does not have his or her car after a court issues an order.  If the car was towed, the landlord, to stop the $1000/day fines, would have to pay all towing and storage fees.  The landlord would also be subject to paying the defendant’s attorney fees and costs.
HB 309 would eliminate this risk for landlords in certain limited circumstances. If the bill is enacted, and a tenant’s property is in a travel lane, common driveway, fire lane, the entrance or exit to any of these, or is in the entrance to a parking area or blocks a dumpster , then a landlord could legally remove a tenant’s property without notice to the tenant, and at the tenant’s expense.
For less egregious scenarios the bill would also allow a landlord to remove tenant’s property, after two notices to the tenant, with the second notice not to be delivered to the tenant until 24 hours after the first notice.  These scenarios include if the tenant’s property is located in a posted no parking area, is an unregistered or uninspected motor vehicle, is leaking fluids that are damaging the parking surface or are an environmental hazard, or is parked or stored in a manner that is in violation of the lease.
We need everyone’s full support for this bill. If passed, it will aid us in maintaining our properties, and in removing junk from our parking lots & handling tenants who just flatly refuse to follow their lease requirements regarding parking.   The bill is necessary in order to keep our properties clean and safe & to legally comply with local ordinance and zoning laws which require removal of certain offensive property.
The bill also offers protection for tenants who don't realize they are breaking a lease requirement. Once notified they would have the ability to correct the problem or the landlord will have the authority to correct it.
HB286, Permits Issued By Building Inspectors
Time not specified    LOB 102
Title: Title: relative to permits issued by building inspectors.
Summary: Limited Impact.  Not analyzed.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To: 0;;;;; ;
Subject: HB286
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
Provided in update only to give notice to those that may be affected.
HB353, Condo Association Voting & Meetings
04/01/2015 at 02:15 PM    SH 100
Title: Title: relative to the governance of condominium unit owners' associations.
Summary: This bill would replace  a number of sections RSA 356-B, the statute governing condominiums.  The bill is very important to developers, attorneys for developers, and attorneys for condo associations.
The bill seeks to modify the Voting Procedures and Meetings for Condo Owners Associations set forth in RSA 356 B.  It shall incorporate E-mail notifications, Video and Telephonic conferencing.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB353
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
This bill will add additional cost to all condo associations to update bi-laws within 2 year time frame.
We have not fully analyzed this bill.  If it affects you dig deeper.
HB480, Insurance/Criminal Offense
Time not specified    SH 100
Title: Title: relative to policies for property and casualty insurance.
Summary: Would ban coverage for a fine or penalty for a criminal offense, but allow payment of defense costs.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB480
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
Requested by the insurance department.
If the fines were covered by insurance then the punishment for the offense would have little affect.
Punishment should not be paid by a 3rd party.
HB481, Mortgage Guarantee Insurance
Time not specified    SH 100
Title: Title: relative to commercial insurance.
Summary: The bill would clarify that RSA 417-C would not apply to mortgage guarantee insurance.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB481
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
After the housing collapse of 2008, PMI insurance companies suffered losses and are making changes to lower their risk.
HB427, Adopting 2015 Fire Code Regs
Time not specified    LOB 101
Title: Title: relative to the definition of the New Hampshire fire code.
Summary: Regarding the definition of the state fire code.  Simply change from a 2009 version of the Uniform Fire Code to a 2015 version.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB427
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
How will this impact sprinkler requirements?
State fire marshal has recommended the state adopt changes to the Life Safety Code as follows:
    a. Atriums Used As Part of Separated Occupancies
    b.Vestibules Separating Normally Unoccupied Spaces from Exit Enclosures
    c. New Occupant Load Factors
    d. Alcohol-Based Hand-Rub Dispensers (ABHR)
    e. Stairway Video Monitoring in High-Rise Buildings
    f. Life Safety Evaluations in Assembly Occupancies
    g. Multiple-Level Buildings in Day Care and Board and Care Occupancies
    h. Disguised Doors in Health Care
    i. Reduced Corridor Width in Nursing Homes
    j. Ambulatory Health Care Rewrite
HB180, Real Estate Transfer Tax, Clarify “Contractual” Transfer
Time not specified    SH 103
Title: Title: (NT) relative to the definition of "price or consideration" under the real estate transfer tax and relative to the exception for transfers by devise under such tax.
Summary: This bill attempts to clarify a “contractual” transfer of Real Estate.
Property Owner Position: For
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:; 0;;;; ;
Subject: HB180
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
This bill, if enacted, would marginally clarify what is price or consideration to base the amount of tax to be paid in real estate transactions.  Currently, non-contractual transfers, which basically are gifts, are not taxed.  The bill would add to the definition of price and consideration, which the amount of the taxes to be paid are based upon, the words “in a contractual transfer.” The bill is merely housekeeping, and does not change anything.
This bill will help the banks when they take a deed in lieu of foreclosure. They won’t have to pay the transfer stamps. This would be a good bill to amend transferring a property in to another entity for estate planning/asset protection. Not having to pay transfer stamps if it is still done for the above reasons.
See if we could amend the bill to help with transfer of property into LLC, LP…
SB135, 2015 Lead Law Changes
02/17/2015 at 01:00 PM    LOB 101
Title: Title: relative to lead poisoning in children.
Summary: This is a very large bill with many different sections all with the intent to reduce childhood lead poisoning.  There has been stake holder meetings for several months with some landlord representation resulting in this legislation.  The stake holders continue to meet regularly.  We’re sure that there will be continued push and more lead legislation for a long time coming.  We are mostly for or are neutral on this bill.
The Conservation Law Foundation, CLF, specifically, Tom Irwin, has specifically been at the forefront of pulling together the interested parties hearing all sides and working with all stakeholders to draft this language.  Tom has worked well with us to hear and incorporate our input.
The bill is large and is divided into several sections.  Therefore for clarity in understanding the bill, our analysis will walk you through the bill in order section by section.
Property Owner Position: Mostly For, Some Against, Some Neutral, Changes recommended
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
Subject: SB135
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
Section 1:  Laboratory Reporting
Property Owner Position: Neutral
This section relates to having DHHS, Department of Health & Human Services track and report screening rates.  That is how many children are being screened (asked questions) and or tested each year.  The screening rates have always been way below long established state guidelines.
Landlords stand aside on the issue of screening so we have no position on this section.
Section 2:  Capillary Blood Testing
Property Owner Position: For
“Capillary Blood Test” is what you might call a finger prick test that draws a few drops of blood as opposed to a venous test which actually draws blood from a vein using a needle.
Capillary blood tests are said to have less accuracy than a venous draw.  Partly because the portable test modules are not as accurate as a sample sent to a lab and partly because the people operating the capillary test machines are not trained medical staff.  Occasionally, lead on the persons finger ends up in the sample.
We have been a push for parents and landlords to receive ALL test results of ANY level.  This is because earlier detection allows both family and landlord to take well thought out reasonable measures to prevent the lead exposure before an entire lead abatement order becomes issued if the level reaches 10ug/dl.
DHHS is extremely reluctant to take on the reporting responsibility for values below 5ug/dl ostensibly because of the expected enormous work load required and no budget for it.  The have to find contact info for the landlord whereas the parent contact info is already on the reporting forms.  Also past results show there would be about 1000/y reportings required at 5 and above.  We don’t know how many reports would be required at less than 5.  Presumably way more.
Note that the version passing the Senate committee adds a duty to the study commission to look at the issue of reporting results <5ug dl.="" span="">
This provision of section 2 advises the family to get a venous draw test so they get an accurate picture and eliminate “false alarms”.  It also recommends that the tenant inform the landlord which is in part accomplishing what we have been asking for. 
It further recommends the tenant contact the landlord rather than do anything regarding the lead hazards on their own.  This moves again in a direction we have been asking for.  It makes some movement toward solving the issue of tenants creating the lead hazards.
Section 3:  Child Lead Screening
Property Owner Position: Neutral
This section stresses health care providers are responsible for screening for lead and to follow state guidelines.  If they don’t meet the guidelines by 2017 then DHHS will adopt rules to require them to do so.
Landlords stand aside on the issue of screening so we have no position on this section.
Section 4:  Property Owner Notification of Elevated BLL
Property Owner Position: For
The latest revision as the bill leaves the Senate committee is that landlords are only notified of venous draw tests and not capillary tests.   This is a little watered down from the original bill where we would be notified of both venous and capillary test.  (See below about DHHS’s resistance to the work load of giving these notices).
Something is better than nothing and presently we are not getting any notices in the range of 5-9.9ug/dl so this section is quite good for us in that when we are notified of low levels of lead we can work with the tenant family and be proactive at taking all precautions to eliminate the poisoning in a common sense way before it escalates to higher levels which will more greatly harm the child and trigger a lead abatement order.  Many times the tenant family and the landlord can work together in a common sense way before an order is triggered and solve the issue easily before the extreme expense of an order is triggered.
The back ground for this is that there has been a request for DHHS to notify property owners and parents at ANY level.  The thinking which we agree with is that the earlier everyone is notified the sooner everyone can take measures to be sure the child’s BLL does not rise and only goes down from here.  DHHS wants to be able to give notice at any level but their old software system and some test methods are not as reliable when readings are <5ug a="" able="" accurately="" actually="" almost="" an="" and="" anyone="" are="" at="" be="" behind="" but="" change="" could="" create="" data.="" data="" dl="" do="" does="" get="" give="" have="" hold="" hour="" in="" it.="" just="" levels.="" like="" lower="" modern="" nbsp="" not="" notice="" number="" s="" say="" says="" simple="" simply="" software="" something="" span="" spreadsheet="" systems="" that="" the="" their="" they="" time.="" to="" towards="" update="" we="" where="" why="" working="">
Because capillary testing at low levels is less reliable and because of the data complications expressed in the above paragraph, there is language like “the data is deemed reliable by the department”.  When their systems are updated in the future this language allow them to report lower numbers with out having to make yet another change in the state law.
Also DHHS is extremely resistant to notifications below 5ug/dL primarily because they can not handle the work load.  Part of the issue is the unreliability of capillary tests, (operators of test are often not medical staff and actually introduce lead to the skin surface before the pin prick is made). 
Part of the issue, harder to solve, is the extra time spent for DHHS to find the owner of the property.  There are about 1000 BLL levels reported per year from 5-10 ug/DL.  Less than 5 is believed to be a much larger number.
All landlords we have spoken to are for this section.
Section 4:  Parent Notification of Elevated BLL
Property Owner Position: For
This section is quite good for us as well in that when parents are notified of low levels of lead they will usually become proactive at taking all precautions to eliminate the poisoning before it escalates to higher levels which will more greatly harm the child and trigger a lead abatement order.  Many times the tenant family and the landlord can work together in a common sense way before an order is triggered and solve the issue easily before the extreme expense of an order is triggered.
Notice that the parents get reporting of both capillary and venous testing while landlords only get notification of venous testing.
All landlords we have spoken to are for this section.
(Similar notes as section on Landlord Notification above).
Section 6:  Civil Suits
Property Owner Position: Against
May be upgraded to Neutral if amended.
Technically, this section does not change the understanding of civil liability so we’re not sure why it is needed.
The Senate committee amendment does add a sentence to address the subsequent repairs concern. (Previously flagged as an issue).
We are suggesting the following change to the tenant responsibility side of this section.
"Evidence of disturbance of lead based substances by the tenant, his guests, invitees, or anyone else he or she brings into the leased premises, or the tenant’s pets shall be admissible evidence. Failure of the tenant to notify the landlord, as required in written lease or rental agreement, of any peeling, chipping, chalking, cracking or disturbance of lead based substances shall also be admitted into evidence."
If both of these changes survive in the amendment we would upgrade our position from against to neutral.
Section 7:  Lead Screening Commission & Essential Maintenance Practices Task Force
In the amendment both would be combined into one commission with subcommittees one for Lead Screening and the other for
Essential Maintenance Practices Task Force
Lead Screening Commission
Property Owner Position: Neutral
Essential Maintenance Practices Task Force
Property Owner Position: For
Basically, the committee would set up a standard of care to be followed by all owners of such property. The committee is to study similar programs in other states, Vermont is the primary example, work with public health officials in formulating such a program, and look into incentives for compliance. 14 people are to be appointed to the committee from various occupations related to public health and rental housing.
The fundamental idea here if such a program would be put in place is likely that rental property owners would need to submit an annual report stating that they have inspected the rental property and fixed any lead hazards using lead safe techniques.  Also there could easily be a program requiring old leaded windows not yet replaced to at least be fitted with a system of simple vinyl strips and window will inserts to eliminate the friction surfaces of the leaded portion of the windows.
In exchange for this standard of care the property owner would receive a reduction in liability in lead law suits.  At the stake holders meetings, an attorney representing interest of trial lawyers said the legal protection for landlords will be killed by the trial lawyers.  So the “carrot” portion of this proposal definitely needs substantial work.
At one of our landlord meetings it was suggested that to get a limit in liability landlords should just keep a maintenance log and that the  landlord’s property maintenance log be admissible evidence in defending landlord liability. This idea eliminates the beauracracy and still give us possibility of some protection.
Also what if tenant denies us access to make repairs. Law should state that tenant has to give landlord access, similar to bedbug provision.
Some background:
As of late, I have been involved with the lead stake holders meetings that resulted in this legislation.  Most of the stake holders wanted to simply put an Essential Maintenance Program in place with this bill.  My strong comment to them was that more time was needed to analyze and come up with a plan that landlords could agree with.  They decided to take my advice and create a task force instead.  Most but not 100% of the landlords I speak with are in favor of this section because it will give landlord’s voice in the process & more time in designing the Essential Maintenances Program.  Forcing in place a program that was not well thought out could have been very detrimental to landlords.
The commission membership at our recommendation was raised from 1 to 4 landlord representatives which addresses our major concern.
The Child care member was amended to be from a property pre1978. Which is one of the concerns we raised.
We recommend a few modifications to this section of the bill.
Should an in home day care be included from a property pre1978?
Since there most likely will be a proposed essential maintenance practices program coming from the committee that may become law, we should have some way to review the proposal and have input on it before the committee makes its final recommendation to the legislature.  We ask that the meeting minutes and proposed essential practices be posted on a website of the general court & the general public be allowed to make written comments to the committee  and such comments be reviewed by the committee before it makes any recommendations to the legislature.
We also recommend that a minority report option be made available for the final report.
There is also one change we will be asking for on the appointing of a landlord representative.
Notes some other good things.
This version as amended by the Senate committee adds some duties to the commission including:
VI. The commission shall explore and examine options for assisting property owners in the abatement of lead-based paint hazards.
VIII. The commission shall assess the feasibility and benefits of requiring the department to provide notice to landlords and parents pursuant to RSA 130-A:6-a and RSA 130-A:6-b when a child has been found to have a blood lead level less than 5 micrograms per deciliter.
Previous Section on Child Care License/Permit Suspension, Revocation, Denial
has been removed.
Previous sections related to RSA 540-A prohibited acts
has been removed.
Previous section related to Building Permits To Require RRP If Applicable
has been removed.
Section 8:  Repeal  commission on Completion
Section 9:  Effective Dates For Different Sections
HB613, Right To Know Law Exemptions
Time not specified    SH 100
Title: Title: relative to governmental records exempted under the right-to-know law.
Summary: Exemptions to include names and addresses contained in license applications.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB613
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
Appears to clarify current exemptions.
Some of us are for this bill.
HB531, Short-Term Rentals Study Committee
04/01/2015 at 02:00 PM    SH 100
Title: Title: establishing a committee to study short-term rentals by homeowners and owners of residential properties.
Summary: 1. Seek to establish a committee to study and make recommendations regarding short-term (vacation) rentals by homeowners.
2. Evaluate the effect this will have on the traditional lodging market.
Property Owner Position: Varied, some For, some Against, some Neutral
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;;;;; ;
Subject: HB531
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
Short term rentals are not defined in the bill, nor is it clear what types of properties, or the types of rentals the committee is supposed to study. Are rooms in a house rented out as a Bed and Breakfast subject to this study?  See  Or are single family residences rented out for a month at a time or less subject to this study.
Homeowners have been renting short-term, vacation properties long before hotel chains and vacation resorts came on scene. We don't believe this market is so saturated with homeowner rentals to create a problem. It is this level of competition that creates benefit for the consumer.
SB232, Exempting Certain Leases From The Real Estate Transfer Tax
03/02/2015 at 09:30 AM    SH 103
Title: Title: exempting certain leases from the real estate transfer tax.
Summary: This bill would exempt from the transfer tax any lease, including any sales, transfers, or assignments of any interest in the leased property, where the term of the lease, including all renewals, is less than 99 years.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;; 0;;;; ;
Subject: SB232
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
This bill seeks to clarify that a real estate transfer has not taken place with leased property.
SB235, Condominium Sale Recording & Financial Disclosure Requirements
03/18/2015 at 11:00 AM    LOB 102
Title: Title: relative to the condominium act and the land sales full disclosure act.
Summary: This bill makes revisions to the condominium act in regard to recording requirements and financial disclosures.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To: 0;;;;; ;
Subject: SB235
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
The bill does not seem to have any direct effect on the residential rental market.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Legislative Update - Important Updates and Lead Law Details

This Legislative Update is provided by Nick Norman, Director of Landlord Legislative Affairs

You can reach Nick at
Howdee everyone,
Important Updates:
HB203, Representation Landlord/Tenant Court
Passed the full house & is now referred to Senate Judiciary
HB315, 7 Days Eviction Notice In Certain Circumstances
Passed the full house & is now referred to Senate Judiciary
SB135, 2015 Lead Law Changes
Passed Senate Finance and passed full Senate 24-0.
Now it will work its way to the house. 
Action items this week:
1. If not done already, study SB135, 2015 Lead Law Changes (full detail below)
This is a very large bill and yes it requires some study.  However, we have a summary and talking points that walk you through the bill.  Latest version (same as last week) is at
See more info in Summaries & Full Detail for each bill further below which includes property owner position, contact info, Talking points, and more.
(To jump right to bill detail, use Control-F, Find).
Hearings this week:
None scheduled so far
Hearings next week:
None scheduled so far
Further below is:
Bills Updated Status summary:
Full details on all bills above
(Which includes property owner position, contact info, talking points, and more)
Love & Light,
Nick Norman
Director of Legislative Affairs
We only list the committee reports on the most important bills affecting the real estate business.  If you want to get the committee report on one of the other bills contact me & I will show you how to get them on line.  It’s not terribly hard to get but not straight ahead either.
Title: relative to lead poisoning in children.
Property Owner Position: Mostly For, Some Against, Some Neutral, Changes recommended
House Status: none
Senate Status: Ought to Pass with Amendment, Vote 4-0.
Senator Kelly for the committee.
Title: exempting certain leases from the real estate transfer tax.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
House Status: none
Senate Status:
Title: relative to the condominium act and the land sales full disclosure act.
Property Owner Position: Limited Impact; You Decide
House Status: none
Senate Status: ==============================================
Full details on all bills above:
SB135, 2015 Lead Law Changes
Title: Title: relative to lead poisoning in children.
Summary: This is a very large bill with many different sections all with the intent to reduce childhood lead poisoning.  There has been stake holder meetings for several months with some landlord representation resulting in this legislation.  The stake holders continue to meet regularly.  We’re sure that there will be continued push and more lead legislation for a long time coming.  We are mostly for or are neutral on this bill.
The Conservation Law Foundation, CLF, specifically, Tom Irwin, has specifically been at the forefront of pulling together the interested parties hearing all sides and working with all stakeholders to draft this language.  Tom has worked well with us to hear and incorporate our input.
The bill is large and is divided into several sections.  Therefore for clarity in understanding the bill, our analysis will walk you through the bill in order section by section.
Property Owner Position: Mostly For, Some Against, Some Neutral, Changes recommended
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
Subject: SB135
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
Section 1:  Laboratory Reporting
Property Owner Position: Neutral
This section relates to having DHHS, Department of Health & Human Services track and report screening rates.  That is how many children are being screened (asked questions) and or tested each year.  The screening rates have always been way below long established state guidelines.
Landlords stand aside on the issue of screening so we have no position on this section.
Section 2:  Capillary Blood Testing
Property Owner Position: For
“Capillary Blood Test” is what you might call a finger prick test that draws a few drops of blood as opposed to a venous test which actually draws blood from a vein using a needle.
Capillary blood tests are said to have less accuracy than a venous draw.  Partly because the portable test modules are not as accurate as a sample sent to a lab and partly because the people operating the capillary test machines are not trained medical staff.  Occasionally, lead on the persons finger ends up in the sample.
We have been a push for parents and landlords to receive ALL test results of ANY level.  This is because earlier detection allows both family and landlord to take well thought out reasonable measures to prevent the lead exposure before an entire lead abatement order becomes issued if the level reaches 10ug/dl.
DHHS is extremely reluctant to take on the reporting responsibility for values below 5ug/dl ostensibly because of the expected enormous work load required and no budget for it.  The have to find contact info for the landlord whereas the parent contact info is already on the reporting forms.  Also past results show there would be about 1000/y reportings required at 5 and above.  We don’t know how many reports would be required at less than 5.  Presumably way more.
Note that the version passing the Senate committee adds a duty to the study commission to look at the issue of reporting results <5ug dl.="" span="">
This provision of section 2 advises the family to get a venous draw test so they get an accurate picture and eliminate “false alarms”.  It also recommends that the tenant inform the landlord which is in part accomplishing what we have been asking for. 
It further recommends the tenant contact the landlord rather than do anything regarding the lead hazards on their own.  This moves again in a direction we have been asking for.  It makes some movement toward solving the issue of tenants creating the lead hazards.
Section 3:  Child Lead Screening
Property Owner Position: Neutral
This section stresses health care providers are responsible for screening for lead and to follow state guidelines.  If they don’t meet the guidelines by 2017 then DHHS will adopt rules to require them to do so.
Landlords stand aside on the issue of screening so we have no position on this section.
Section 4:  Property Owner Notification of Elevated BLL
Property Owner Position: For
The latest revision as the bill leaves the Senate committee is that landlords are only notified of venous draw tests and not capillary tests.   This is a little watered down from the original bill where we would be notified of both venous and capillary test.  (See below about DHHS’s resistance to the work load of giving these notices).
Something is better than nothing and presently we are not getting any notices in the range of 5-9.9ug/dl so this section is quite good for us in that when we are notified of low levels of lead we can work with the tenant family and be proactive at taking all precautions to eliminate the poisoning in a common sense way before it escalates to higher levels which will more greatly harm the child and trigger a lead abatement order.  Many times the tenant family and the landlord can work together in a common sense way before an order is triggered and solve the issue easily before the extreme expense of an order is triggered.
The back ground for this is that there has been a request for DHHS to notify property owners and parents at ANY level.  The thinking which we agree with is that the earlier everyone is notified the sooner everyone can take measures to be sure the child’s BLL does not rise and only goes down from here.  DHHS wants to be able to give notice at any level but their old software system and some test methods are not as reliable when readings are <5ug actually="" an="" behind="" but="" data="" dl="" does="" get="" have="" it.="" like="" not="" number="" says="" simply="" something="" span="" style="mso-spacerun: yes;" the="" they="" where="">  They are working towards a software change to update their systems and be able to accurately give notice at lower levels.  We say why not just create a simple modern spreadsheet to hold the data.  Almost anyone could do that in an hour’s time.
Because capillary testing at low levels is less reliable and because of the data complications expressed in the above paragraph, there is language like “the data is deemed reliable by the department”.  When their systems are updated in the future this language allow them to report lower numbers with out having to make yet another change in the state law.
Also DHHS is extremely resistant to notifications below 5ug/dL primarily because they can not handle the work load.  Part of the issue is the unreliability of capillary tests, (operators of test are often not medical staff and actually introduce lead to the skin surface before the pin prick is made). 
Part of the issue, harder to solve, is the extra time spent for DHHS to find the owner of the property.  There are about 1000 BLL levels reported per year from 5-10 ug/DL.  Less than 5 is believed to be a much larger number.
All landlords we have spoken to are for this section.
Section 4:  Parent Notification of Elevated BLL
Property Owner Position: For
This section is quite good for us as well in that when parents are notified of low levels of lead they will usually become proactive at taking all precautions to eliminate the poisoning before it escalates to higher levels which will more greatly harm the child and trigger a lead abatement order.  Many times the tenant family and the landlord can work together in a common sense way before an order is triggered and solve the issue easily before the extreme expense of an order is triggered.
Notice that the parents get reporting of both capillary and venous testing while landlords only get notification of venous testing.
All landlords we have spoken to are for this section.
(Similar notes as section on Landlord Notification above).
Section 6:  Civil Suits
Property Owner Position: Against
May be upgraded to Neutral if amended.
Technically, this section does not change the understanding of civil liability so we’re not sure why it is needed.
The Senate committee amendment does add a sentence to address the subsequent repairs concern. (Previously flagged as an issue).
We are suggesting the following change to the tenant responsibility side of this section.
"Evidence of disturbance of lead based substances by the tenant, his guests, invitees, or anyone else he or she brings into the leased premises, or the tenant’s pets shall be admissible evidence. Failure of the tenant to notify the landlord, as required in written lease or rental agreement, of any peeling, chipping, chalking, cracking or disturbance of lead based substances shall also be admitted into evidence."
If both of these changes survive in the amendment we would upgrade our position from against to neutral.
Section 7:  Lead Screening Commission & Essential Maintenance Practices Task Force
In the amendment both would be combined into one commission with subcommittees one for Lead Screening and the other for
Essential Maintenance Practices Task Force
Lead Screening Commission
Property Owner Position: Neutral
Essential Maintenance Practices Task Force
Property Owner Position: For
Basically, the committee would set up a standard of care to be followed by all owners of such property. The committee is to study similar programs in other states, Vermont is the primary example, work with public health officials in formulating such a program, and look into incentives for compliance. 14 people are to be appointed to the committee from various occupations related to public health and rental housing.
The fundamental idea here if such a program would be put in place is likely that rental property owners would need to submit an annual report stating that they have inspected the rental property and fixed any lead hazards using lead safe techniques.  Also there could easily be a program requiring old leaded windows not yet replaced to at least be fitted with a system of simple vinyl strips and window will inserts to eliminate the friction surfaces of the leaded portion of the windows.
In exchange for this standard of care the property owner would receive a reduction in liability in lead law suits.  At the stake holders meetings, an attorney representing interest of trial lawyers said the legal protection for landlords will be killed by the trial lawyers.  So the “carrot” portion of this proposal definitely needs substantial work.
At one of our landlord meetings it was suggested that to get a limit in liability landlords should just keep a maintenance log and that the  landlord’s property maintenance log be admissible evidence in defending landlord liability. This idea eliminates the beauracracy and still give us possibility of some protection.
Also what if tenant denies us access to make repairs. Law should state that tenant has to give landlord access, similar to bedbug provision.
Some background:
As of late, I have been involved with the lead stakeholders meetings that resulted in this legislation.  Most of the stake holders wanted to simply put an Essential Maintenance Program in place with this bill.  My strong comment to them was that more time was needed to analyze and come up with a plan that landlords could agree with.  They decided to take my advice and create a task force instead.  Most but not 100% of the landlords I speak with are in favor of this section because it will give landlord’s voice in the process & more time in designing the Essential Maintenances Program.  Forcing in place a program that was not well thought out could have been very detrimental to landlords.
The commission membership at our recommendation was raised from 1 to 4 landlord representatives which addresses our major concern.
The Child care member was amended to be from a property pre1978. Which is one of the concerns we raised.
We recommend a few modifications to this section of the bill.
Should an in home day care be included from a property pre1978?
Since there most likely will be a proposed essential maintenance practices program coming from the committee that may become law, we should have some way to review the proposal and have input on it before the committee makes its final recommendation to the legislature.  We ask that the meeting minutes and proposed essential practices be posted on a website of the general court & the general public be allowed to make written comments to the committee  and such comments be reviewed by the committee before it makes any recommendations to the legislature.
We also recommend that a minority report option be made available for the final report.
There is also one change we will be asking for on the appointing of a landlord representative.
Notes some other good things.
This version as amended by the Senate committee adds some duties to the commission including:
VI. The commission shall explore and examine options for assisting property owners in the abatement of lead-based paint hazards.
VIII. The commission shall assess the feasibility and benefits of requiring the department to provide notice to landlords and parents pursuant to RSA 130-A:6-a and RSA 130-A:6-b when a child has been found to have a blood lead level less than 5 micrograms per deciliter.
 Previous Section on Child Care License/Permit Suspension, Revocation, Denial
has been removed.
Previous sections related to RSA 540-A prohibited acts
has been removed.
Previous section related to Building Permits To Require RRP If Applicable
has been removed.
Section 8:  Repeal  commission on Completion
Section 9:  Effective Dates For Different Sections
SB232, Exempting Certain Leases From The Real Estate Transfer Tax
03/02/2015 at 09:30 AM    SH 103
Title: Title: exempting certain leases from the real estate transfer tax.
Summary: This bill would exempt from the transfer tax any lease, including any sales, transfers, or assignments of any interest in the leased property, where the term of the lease, including all renewals, is less than 99 years.
Property Owner Position: You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To:;; 0;;;; ;
Subject: SB232
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
This bill seeks to clarify that a real estate transfer has not taken place with leased property.
SB235, Condominium Sale Recording & Financial Disclosure Requirements
03/18/2015 at 11:00 AM    LOB 102
Title: Title: relative to the condominium act and the land sales full disclosure act.
Summary: This bill makes revisions to the condominium act in regard to recording requirements and financial disclosures.
Property Owner Position: LimitedImpact; You Decide
Link to Committee Info:
Email to Committee:
To: 0;;;;; ;
Subject: SB235
Link to Bill Text:
Analysis Stated in Bill:
Talking Points:
The bill does not seem to have any direct effect on the residential rental market.